You must submit one design per registration. You can submit the design as an individual or as a team but you must submit only one entry per design.
You must include your name (if submitting as an individual) and/or team name and contact email on the submission.
The contest begins on Nov. 20th, 2021, and designs must be received no later than 5pm (CST) on January 1, 2022.
You must use blue as your base color (any shade of blue is acceptable).
The design must be your original creation but must include the University of Houston and C-Coogs logos and the phrase “Leaping to a marine energy future”. The exact location of these logos and phrase will be at your discretion.
The content on the T-shirt should be strictly related to the concept of “Marine Energy.”
You must make sure that your design does not contain any profanity, offensive language, or trademarks, logos, or copyrighted works of any other individual or entity or organization (except for the permissible logos and phrase mentioned in rule #4 above).
You understand and agree that the selected design may be altered to comply with the University of Houston and UH MECC team requirements. You will be informed of this change by the UH MECC team.
You must email the design in either a pdf or png format to the team email at
You must submit the acknowledgement below before you submit your entry.
You understand and agree that if your design is selected, that design will belong to the C-Coogs.
You understand and agree that the winning designs of the competition will be selected by the C-Coogs. You also understand that the C-Coogs reserve the right to make no selection of the submitted designs.
If you have any additional questions, please email us at
I confirm that I have read and understand the above-mentioned rules of the T-shirt contest and agree to abide by these rules.